Verbal Learning – Speak now, or forever…
Learning styles have a lot of influence on the way people consume messages. They also change the way individuals recall information, and even the words they choose.
The Verbal (Linguistic) Learning Style
The verbal style involves both the written and spoken word. If a person uses this style, they find it easy to express themselves, both in writing and verbally. They love reading and writing. These indivudual like playing on the meaning or sound of words, such as in tongue twisters, rhymes, limericks and the like. They know the meaning of many words, and regularly make an effort to find the meaning of new words. They use these words, as well as phrases they have picked up recently, when talking to others.
Common pursuits and phrases
Pursuits that use the verbal style include public speaking, debating, politics, writing and journalism.
Verbal learners may tend to use phrases like these
- Tell me word for word
- Let’s talk later
- The word you’re looking for is
- I hear you but I’m not sure I agree
- Let me spell it out for you
- In other words
Learning and techniques
If you are a verbal learner, try the techniques that involve speaking and writing. Find ways to incorporate more speaking and writing in techniques. For example, talk yourself through procedures in the simulator, or use recordings of your content for repetition.
Make the most of the word-based techniques such as assertions and scripting. Use rhyme and rhythm in your assertions where you can, and be sure to read important ones aloud. Set some key points to a familiar song, jingle or theme.
Mnemonics are your friends for recalling lists of information. Acronym mnemonics use words, focusing on the first letter of the word to make up another word or memorable sequence. You can also make up phrases using the items you want to memorize.
Scripting is also powerful for you. You don’t just have to write them down. Record your scripts using a tape or digital audio recorder (such as an MP3 player), and use it later for reviews.
When you read content aloud, make it dramatic and varied. Instead of using a monotone voice to go over a procedure, turn it into a lively and energetic speech worthy of the theatre. Not only does this help your recall, you get to practice your dramatic presence!
Try working with others and using role-playing to learn verbal exchanges such as negotiations, sales or radio calls.
Remember — words are where it is at for these types. For marketers you need to put your money where your mouth is.
Check back next time to explore more learning types.