Orange, Red Green and Blue! What am I to do? — Nonverbal Communication

Orange, Red Green and Blue!  What am I to do? — Nonverbal Communication Explained Of the many forms of non verbal communication — color is one of the most powerful!  Color stimulates your senses.  It symbolizes abstract ideas, concepts and thoughts.  It can calm you, energize you and every emotion in between. Color can sell

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Keep it Brief! The Creative Brief Process for your marketing initiatives.

Keep it Brief! The Creative Brief Process for your Marketing Initiatives. In a nutshell a creative brief is an outline that will guide you through the process of creating a great ad, postcard, email or marketing campaign.  It is a checklist and will force you to ask yourself some important questions.  Many times we get

Educate, Educate, Educate! Why Education-Based Marketing Can Grow Your Business!

Educate, Educate, Educate!  Why Education-Based Marketing Can Grow Your Business! First of all — what the heck is Education-Based Marketing?  Education-Based Marketing helps you reach a wider audience by offering valuable information and not just a sales pitch like most of your competition.  It allows you to give potential customers something of value rather than